1) Brute Forcing
This method is extremely tedious, time consuming and useless. A Brute Forcing software tries to gain acsess to an account by the "hit and try" method. It has a dictionary list of (supposedly all) possible passwords and it tries all those passwords for that one username. A good Brute Forcer is the Munga Bunga's HTTP Brute Forcer
2) Fake Login screen
The victim can be fooled into typing his password into a fake login screen which looks similar to that of the actual hotmail login screen. Once he types in his login & password and clicks on sign-in, his details are mailed to your specified email address
3) Java Scripting & Cookies
Web Programmers tend to use relatively easy webbased languages at the expence of security (cross-scripting). These can be exploited
4) Keyloggers & Similar Trojans
Send him a keylogger which notes down all his keystrokes and then mails them to you. If he ever signs in into his hotmail account, his username and password will be sent to you
5) Hotmail Message Scanner
Some bright empiricist from Root-Core has discovered that anyone can log into their Hotmail account and then call messages from any other Hotmail account by crafting a URL with the second account's username and a valid message number
6) Verfication Auto Bot
This method is probably the lamest, least known but also the most sucessful method of hacking hotmail. For this i created a email address